Bank Marketing

By Burt Ropiha
28 Jul, 2019
bank marketing secrets
Burt Ropiha, Director, Aardvark Works
Here are some bank marketing ideas to boost your online authority and create more sales.

Consider how these concepts might apply to your company. Any website or business type can benefit from the tips in the video. You can also gain significant advantages over your competitors if you understand the concepts in this video.


bank marketing

ATM machine marketing example using banner ads

These bank marketing examples, show the opportunities that exist with banner ads, google maps SEO and email marketing.

If your company isn’t visible, you’re missing out on gaining new customers since smartphones today allow consumers to locate what they want instantly. Asking your phone, “Hey Siri, where’s the closest ATM machine?” is simple and intuitive. And there’ll be multiple addresses, directions, and an eta ready to go. The internet may be a stream of fresh prospects for most companies.

Those who are slow to accept that people are searching for their products and services online are missing out on getting more business.

So without further ado, let’s unlock some practical online bank marketing tips.

Best Bank Marketing Strategies

For marketing a bank, we could use specialised funnels, super-targeted niche strategies and even the internets golden goose SEO.

However, in this article, I want to focus on banner ads and their application for marketing an ATM machine business.

It’s also beneficial for banks wanting to know how they can generate more awareness of their machines.

atm machine marketing

bank machine marketing

Further down this page, I reveal how the best bank marketing strategies can go wrong. The example uses a local bank who missed one crucial step, and you can learn the correct approach from there subtle error.

Here is your chance to get great ideas to market your business online.

Marketing an ATM Machine Business

fI created the video below to demonstrate how banks can use banner advertising to create ongoing awareness campaigns for their ATMs.

In the video, I use our targeting software and show how you can segment areas of a city to market your ATMs.

We accomplish the segmentation based on using the following processes.


1. Cold audience campaign

A cold audience is advertising to people that are fresh to your website or have of heard of your business/brand before. We market to them on their devices within a specific radius, and the only criteria are that they are within a particular range of distance.


2. Interest-based targeting

We target an audience based on specific interests, i.e. age, gender, looking to buy a car, and other likey to purchase behaviour etc.


3. Geofence

We then select a ring around a geographical region of a city (Geofence) and run a cold audience campaign or an interest-based campaign within the confines of that geofence.


4. Device Display

The ads themselves can be shown on a desktop or a mobile device and can be an image or video ads. Video ads can be up to 30secs max.

“You can Geofence this area and run ads”    1:39 secs into the marketing an ATM machine business video 

Bank Marketing Using Email

“Start from the end goal and work backwards”
1:03 secs into the TSB Banner Ad Video 

In the TSB banner ad video above, I am working in Hotmail, see a banner ad aka digital display ad for home loans pop up on the right-hand side.

After clicking the ad, I get taken to what we call in the in digital marketing industry a landing page.

A landing page is a destination page on your website that people land on after clicking your ad.

In the video, I lay out a few things that can be improved to get better results i.e starting with the end goal in mind.

Think about the journey that you need people to take, in order to take the action that you want them to take to complete the goal of the page.

What is the end goal of the landing page?

Remove all unnecessary items and distractions and keep a singular clear objective for the page.



The concept of banner ads for raising awareness for ATM or home loans follows the same steps, and I will outline a basic structure below.

1. Order relevant banner ads

1a. Invest in enough ad assets so that they can be rotated to prevent ad blindness

2. Buy traffic to send people to your ads

3. Make sure that you retarget users who have been to your landing page to further the relationship

Now go execute on these ideas and get greater results!