7 Marketing Strategies to Fuel Your Business Growth

By Burt Ropiha
10 Nov, 2019
marketing strategies

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO aka search engine optimisation is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization

When you search for anything on Google, Bing and Yahoo, you are using a search engine.

Search engines favour some websites over others. Web assets get filtered through a long algorithmic checklist.

Meeting the criteria of the checklist means your website may get more visibility.

The search engines return anything they deem relevant and authoritative.

Search engines return your online assets: Social media, websites, videos or other online assets.

For example. Searching for SEO New Plymouth as of writing this page will return the following result.

seo new plymouth serps

You can see Aardvark works in Google’s Map listings and the Facebook page for Aardvark Works.

Google returned what I was looking for: SEO New Plymouth.

If you can get Google to put your business on the front page of the Google Search Engine it means more opportunities for business.

Here is a critical keyword for Aardvark Works to show perceived authority. Having more than one web asset displays a commanding presence.

Can you see that we are first in maps and also the first organic listing for the website?

seo services new plymouth rankings screenshot

People are searching for your products and services every day and SEO is a powerful tool to get in front of them.

You need to be on page one for your main product or service that you sell to get more leads through to your business.

2. Re-Targeting (aka Re-Marketing)

The difference between traditional marketing and promoting your business online today is this.

Using newspaper, yellow pages, radio etc. the ability to measure ROI is painful.

Digital marketing is not only flexible, immediate and far-reaching.

The ability to get in front of visitors after they’ve viewed online assets is impressive.

Entire industries have popped up to support this advertising mechanism.

Behold the mighty re-targeting campaign!

Re-targeting amplifies conversions.

Get yourself an ongoing re-targeting campaign and make more money.

What is re-targeting?

Have you ever noticed that after visiting a website that you start to see their ads popping up?

After visiting their website, a pixel (digital tag) gets attributed to you.

Once you leave the website, an ad will pop up on sites that allow advertising on them.

There are many advertising platforms Google display network is one.

These ads are re-targeting you to re-engage with the brand.

The ads keep the website or brand top of mind. Re-targeting increases conversions.

Re-targeting enables you to strike a more meaningful conversation.

Imagine having the ability to advertise to those who clicked on a link from your email?

Do you think that after they visit your offer, you can increase your chance to convert them with ads?

Let me illustrate using a local client who runs a printing services business Razz Print & Design, New Plymouth.

Like your business, Razz is getting visitors to their website. How can they re-engage with those visitors again?

Generally, you don’t and cannot. But, with basic re-targeting campaigns, you can get your business back in front of people.

No matter where they may be hanging out online.

You have the opportunity to re-engage with them using re-targeting.

People get distracted and forget what they were doing. They displayed some interest in your products and services but got sidetracked.

Likewise with myself, I visited Razz Prints website and next thing I’m on Facebook and see an article for MMA.

I like MMA so I clicked to read the article.

I was re-directed to BJpenn and immediately shown the retargeting advert we designed.

Check it out below.


Here’s the thing that I want you to think about.

What will it do for your business to put a digital tag (pixel) on 100% of ALL visitors that come to your website?