Are You Continually Trying To Sell On Social Media?

By Burt Ropiha
30 Sep, 2017

Let me ask you something… Are you continually trying to sell on social media?

Are you one of these businesses that regularly place your product in front of people thinking that you are going to get many sales from it?

If so, then let me ask you this.

Have you noticed that you were losing followers?

Natural turnover is part of social media accounts.

People come and go for lots of different reasons.

If you are trying to sell all the time, you will increase your chances of losing followers.

Unfortunately, far too many people using social media think of it as a classified newspaper listing where they can advertise freely.

I’m not saying you will not make some sales here and there, but the reality is people don’t follow your social media so you can pitch your products regularly Focus instead on building value within your community.

Genuinely find ways to help those who follow you. What you need to do is Find out which social media is right for your business.


Instagram might be the wrong platform for you. Maybe your audience is millennials so snapchat might be better suited. In either case, you need to find out where your peeps hang out and provide value to them.

As a natural by-product of this approach, you will get seen as an authority within your marketplace; people will reach out to you.

Even though I get many requests daily to follow people from all over the world who find me- I don’t follow them.

I forsake adding followers just because it looks good.

I only focus on providing valuable content that local businesses need to know to capitalise on the modern digital economy.

I choose to follow what’s happening locally because that’s my marketplace and where my passion lies…educating and servicing local businesses, so Taranaki prospers.

There are many local businesses whom I follow who do nothing but continually push product in front of me.

Their audience experiences that as well and comes across as pushy like the salesman who beelines for you in the car yard or Harvey Normans.

If I didn’t follow local businesses to see how people locally are using social media, I would’ve already unfollowed these businesses (if I was a natural follower/fan).

For example, if someone that I want to follow intentionally on my social media accounts every two or three messages are pushing products.

Even though I enjoy their message every other time, I still would unfollow them eventually because I’m not receiving value from following them anymore.

If they are making a brilliant offer once in a blue moon, I am not going to complain. It’s just that if you are always pushing your product or service in front of the audience… it isn’t a good look. It looks needy.

In summary Social media is not for selling it is for interacting with and providing value to your ideal prospect/customer.

Put yourself in their shoes & think about what their needs are regarding preselling and educating your market.

Think of how to serve them in the best possible way and elevate your status at the same time.