Local Business Marketing Online EP1- Boat Builder

By Burt Ropiha
16 Feb, 2017

Local Seo EP 01

Burt Ropiha, Director, Aardvark Works

In this local business marketing training video. I demonstrate various ideas that help local businesses attract more of their ideal clientele using the Internet.

Local businessman Garry Northcott came up with a unique hull design after the jarring effect of moving through the waves was too uncomfortable. So, Garry did what every innovative entrepreneur does- create a product that makes people’s lives easier.

“Instead of punching over a wave you kind of part it slightly. It basically slices through the water” source stuff.co.nz

Throughout this training video I discuss online marketing  techniques that are valuable to local business owners. Much of what is taught in the video is applicable to any website or business type.

furthermore, with an understanding of what is taught in this video a local business owner can gain significant advantages over their competition.


So to wrap up this short post my suggestion is grab a pencil and paper if you are that way inclined- or make sure you have a notepad open on your computer and take notes as you watch the video.

By all means I would love to hear how this resonates with you and your local business.